Shanghai Mama
Average Price:
Callede Vallehermoso, 79, 28015 Madrid
Recommendation Reason:
Shanghai Mama is a highly popular upscale Chinese restaurant in Madrid, specializing in authentic Shanghai cuisine. The restaurant is known for its exquisite selection of ingredients, with dishes offering rich and layered flavors. The signature Xiao Long Bao (soup dumplings) at Shanghai Mama features thin skins, ample fillings, and rich broth, offering an extremely authentic taste and texture, making it the restaurant’s standout dish.The restaurant’s atmosphere is warm and modern, with a service that pays great attention to detail. The overall ambiance makes it perfect for both formal occasions and casual gatherings.
Shanghai Mama 是马德里一家极受欢迎的高端中餐厅,专注于提供地道的上海风味菜肴。餐厅以其精致的食材选用著称,菜肴口味浓郁而富有层次感。上海妈妈的小笼包皮薄、馅料丰盈,汤汁丰富,口感非常正宗,是餐厅的明星菜品。餐厅环境温馨而现代,服务注重细节,整体氛围既适合正式场合也很适合休闲聚会。