Lena Dani Garcia


Average Price



Hotel Hyatt Regency Hesperia, P.º de la Castellana, 57, Chamberí, 28046 Madrid

Recommendation Reason

Leña by Dani García is an innovative restaurant in Madrid focused on the art of fire cooking, led by Michelin-starred chef Dani García. The restaurants specialty lies in cooking high-quality meats, seafood, and vegetables over wood fire, which enhances the natural flavors of the ingredients. Whether it's perfectly grilled meats, smoky fish, or charred vegetables, each dish is a delightful experience. The restaurants modern interior features an open kitchen where diners can watch the cooking process. Offering various tasting menus, Leña is a must-visit for those seeking a unique gastronomic experience in Madrid

Leña by Dani García 是马德里的一家创新餐厅,专注于火焰烹饪艺术,由大厨 Dani García 主理。餐厅的特色在于使用木炭火烹饪高品质的肉类、海鲜和蔬菜,最大程度地保留食材的天然风味。无论是完美烤制的肉类、带有烟熏味的鱼类,还是烤制后口感丰富的蔬菜,都令人垂涎欲滴。餐厅内饰现代,设有开放式厨房,让顾客能一睹烹饪的全过程。Leña 提供不同的品尝菜单,是寻求独特美食体验的必选之地。